please read !
hi, before ya'll get into the main message this is being copy and pasted, so if you read any of my other books just know its all the same message.
so now its time for the main message. all of my books are gonna be on hold for a long time because (im gonna be blunt) i don't wanna write for them. let me explain, i love my books, i still love the plots, the characters, everything about them. and if i didn't i would've taken them down a long time ago, but they aren't the stories i wanna write at the moment. and i know if i tried to write for them now it wouldn't be good and ya'll deserve good content
so, they're gonna be on hold and when i wanna write for them i'll bring them back.
im sorry if i disappointed anyone, i just thought this was the best decision for my mental health. im still gonna write though ! i have some new books planned for next year im starting one of them on the 22nd (my bday) im really excited for this one and im planning to take my time with it.
anyways thank you for taking the time read this and i hope you have a good day !
{update: hi, ik i posted this a couple weeks ago but i already have some news for this book- so ive been in a nostalgic kind of mood cuz my birthday was a couple days ago, and i decided im gonna start working on hearts and roses again so i can bring it back next year. this is my plan if ya'll are interested-
{the plan:
1: every single descendants book i have on my shelf
2: perfect elizabeths look and aesthetic on pinterest
3: (optional) make a board for the book
4: watch all the movies
5: chapter planning (if you got any ideas-)
6: write. (but take your time.)
thats the plan, this is off topic. i hate plugging my stuff- but i have a youtube and a pinterest. i post edits on my youtube @iibunnyy and in the future im gonna do book announcents, nothing to crazy just special edits. and on my pinterest @iiSweetBunBun i also post edits and i make boards for my books and characters. if you wanna check em out id appreciate it, but you don't have to!
okay bye merry christmas !
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