Oh, Those Summer Nights. (Part 2)(Brendon Urie x Reader)
Note: This is dedicated to @bands-and-fics-save-lifes on Tumblr, who requested this MONTHS ago. Hope you like it. x
"Guys, everyone get their asses to the living room!" Dallon called out, interrupting the conversation you and Josh were immersed in.
The two of you picked up your drinks from the kitchen counter and made your way to the living room, the rest of the guests all doing the same. Once everyone had gathered in the room, Dallon instructed you all to sit down on the carpet; he had moved the coffee table out of the way so that there was place for everyone to sit comfortably.
Everyone shared sceptical glances, but no one questioned the tall man's motives, and you all took a seat on the carpet – you sat between Tyler and Josh. Brendon was sitting across from you and as you sat down, you could feel his eyes on you, but you brushed it off and didn't return his gaze.
"Sooo, what is all of this about, O Giant One?" Joe questioned, shuffling around in an attempt to get comfy.
"We're gonna play truth or dare," Dallon explained, grinning broadly as he opened up the gaming app on his phone.
A laugh boomed throughout the room.
"What are you, ten?" Tyler snorted, causing Dallon to laugh mockingly.
"It'll be fun. Just be good sports and play along, please," Dallon enthused, bending down to place his phone in the centre of the circle of band members (plus you).
You weren't too thrilled about playing truth or dare – you never have been – but for the sake of the group, you went along with it.
The app version of Truth or Dare was a bit different to the traditional version, but it was easy enough to understand. Each player enters their name and once everyone's names are recorded, the game commences. The app displays the name of the player whose turn it is, and that person then chooses truth or dare and is given a random question to answer or thing to do by the game's generator; more often than not, the truth or dares involve other players. After you complete the challenge, you get a point. You could choose to not answer the truth or do the dare, but then you have to forfeit, and you lose a point. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
The phone was passed around the circle so that everyone could enter their name and when everyone had done that, Dallon selected the 'Ten Rounds' option and pressed play.
"Tyler, you entered your name first so you're starting us off!" Dallon beamed, and Tyler sucked in a breath before reaching to the centre of the circle to tap 'Dare' on the phone screen.
Soak your t-shirt in water, put it in the fridge for 20 minutes, then take it out and wear it.
"Oooo," everyone grimaced as Tyler contemplated his next move.
"Eh," Tyler shrugged, realising that it probably wasn't the worst of dares, and took his shirt off before walking to the kitchen, wetting his shirt, then placing it in the fridge before coming back and taking his seat, "Was getting a little hot in here anyways." He reached forward to press 'COMPLETED'.
Shaking his head, Josh leaned forward as his name flashed on the screen. He chose truth.
If ANDY and PATRICK were hanging on the edge of a cliff and you could only save one, who would you pick?
Everyone gasped and Josh's eyes went wide.
"What? No. No. I'm not gonna answer that. That's horrible," he flushed, quickly tapping 'FORFEIT'. The rest of the group booed at his act of cowardice.
"Good choice, bub," you whispered to him, patting him encouragingly on the back before leaning forward and selecting 'TRUTH'.
Retell the story of your first sexual experience to the group.
Your breath hitched and you heard a little gasp escape Josh's lips. You could feel everyone's penetrating gaze boring into you as they all waited in anticipation for you to reveal all the lovely details, and you mentally cussed out Dallon for coming up with this insufferable game idea. Had your first sexual experience been with someone else, you would've gladly divulged all the details; it was quite romantic, after all. But it had been with Brendon, and since no one sitting in the circle – other than Josh – knew about the whole ordeal, you weren't too keen on spilling the beans on what happened that summer night.
"Yeah, no," you said. Clearing your throat, you reached forward and swiftly tapped 'FORFEIT'. Another round of boos. "Yeah, yeah," you waved your hand and took a big gulp from your drink.
You sensed Brendon staring at you again, and you stirred uneasily, thankful when he averted his gaze to the next player – Patrick.
Most of the rest of the game passed by in a hilarious blur. There were some amazing challenges, such as Pete having to let you sift through his browser history and read out the top three searches you found most disturbing/funny/weird, Andy having to reveal his guilty pleasure, Dallon having to make out with Joe's hand for sixty seconds straight, and lots, lots more. Thankfully, you hadn't gotten any more questions you couldn't answer, and you were able to complete every one of the challenges following the one you forfeited.
Currently, the scores had you and Pete neck-in-neck, with both of you having a score of 8 out of a possible ten, with one more round to go. This round was a tiebreaker round, meaning that it was worth five points instead of one, and the truths and dares would be worse than they had been for the other part of the game.
You were going first, and you took a deep breath when your name flashed on the screen. Slowly, you tapped 'DARE'.
Make-out with BRENDON for two minutes.
This time, Josh's gasp was a million times louder, and the rest of the group 'wooed'. You stared at the screen, unmoving and praying to the heavens that you were only imagining those awful six words displayed on the screen. The group's hollers of approval and encouragement reminded you that you were, in fact, not imagining it.
You couldn't believe it. How in the actual hell could this have happened? Out of all the players, how could the game have paired you up with the one person you did not, under any circumstances, want to be paired with.
"Um..." you said softly, avoiding eye contact with anyone; especially Brendon, who was staring at you again, "No, thank you. Pete, you win."
"What?" Dallon gawked, "(Y/N), no! You can do this! It's one of the easiest dares we've seen during this game!"
"I don't want to," you said, voice still soft.
"But, (Y/N), you can't let Pete win!" Joe argued, holding out his hands in desperation.
"No," you frowned, starting to get a little angry; you were still on edge from that first question, and your friends' nagging was doing little to stop you from snapping. In fact, it was doing the opposite.
"C'mon, (Y/N)," Tyler jumped in, gesturing to Brendon, "It's not like it's a stranger. It's Brendon."
"I said no!" you yelled, angrily standing up, "So, just drop it, alright?!"
With that, you stormed off through the door and onto the front porch, just before the guys could see the tears fall.
Glances of confusion and worry were shared between the males, and Josh sighed as he got up. "I've got her."
He started for the door but Brendon stood up and stopped him. "Actually, Josh, do you mind?"
Josh looked at the older man wearily. "Brendon, I really don't think you're the person she wants to see right now."
"You're probably right," Brendon nodded, tilting his head side to side, "But I am the person she needs to see. I gotta make this right, dude."
Josh stayed looking at his friend for a moment. After noticing the painful mixture of longing and regret in Brendon's eyes, he nodded and took a step back, extending an arm towards the door.
"All yours."
Brendon sucked in a breath before gripping the doorknob and twisting. "I hope so."
Note: YES, THIS IS GOING TO BE another SERIES. You guys really need to stop requesting sequels 😂 because at this rate, every imagine I write is going to turn into a series. (I fucking hope not). x
PS. ^ I was joking about the request part; please don't stop requesting, even if I say no sequels; it gives me validation that you guys are enjoying my writing. xxx
Thank you for reading x
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