Baggage. (Dallon Weekes x Reader)
For: @Jedi_Cat_6
Request: Panic! invited you to travel with them for a few weeks and you gladly accepted. unfortunately, you didn't know that airports were actual hell with those boys.
Note: This will be the Panic! lineup with Dallon still in it, of course. Kenny, however, will be left out of this imagine (and all future ones) – for obvious reasons.
A special thank you to my soulmate mikeywaystambourine for her help with writing this imagine. <3
Being in a relationship with a member of a famous band was incredibly tough and increasingly challenging. What with the constant touring and other contractual obligations – finding sufficient time to spend together was borderline impossible.
That's why when Dallon invited you to join him on tour for a little while, you agreed without hesitation.
Oh, how you were regretting that decision now.
It was during one of the many visits to the airport that you bore witness to what a jaded Dallon and Brendon were willing to do to cure their boredom.
The group of you were approaching the baggage scan section of the airport, walking past the domestic flights boarding gates, when you noticed the playful smirk that your boyfriend gave his bandmate. You immediately knew that whatever followed, you weren't going to like.
Between the boarding gates were one of the many moving walkways in the airport and unfortunately, that was what Dallon had set his sights on – because apparently, sitting around waiting for your flight was too difficult for him to manage.
"Hey, Brendon, you think you could beat me in a race on this thing?" Dallon challenged, raising an eyebrow in question. "Backwards?"
Brendon scoffed. "Uh, duh. I could so beat you, and your giraffe legs," he said, handing over his belongings to those around him. "Everyone knows that it's not about how long your legs are – it's what you can do with them; I didn't star in Kinky Boots for nothin'," he added, having removed both his cap and sunglasses.
You rolled your eyes at their childish behaviour but did nothing to stop either of them, knowing that any objection to their race would be useless.
You held out your hands for Dallon to deposit his jacket in and sighed as he did just that, before running over to the other side of the walkway to start his race with Brendon.
As your boarding gate was not too far, you decided to join the others and hopefully distance yourself enough so as not to be associated with the two grown men that were standing and waiting for the walkway to empty so that they could race each other.
Once the contraption was finally cleared – nobody really wanted to use a walkway with someone else on the other side, blocking the exit – Zack stood between the two band members and counted them down. As he did so, Dallon looked your way and sent you a wink, forcing a smile out of you before sprinting across the walkway, beating Brendon by a long shot.
Apparently, it was a best two out of three match, which resulted in another win for Dallon, who celebrated as if he had just won an Olympic gold medal. At this point, the group along with many other airport-goers had become full-on cheering spectators – some even complaining to Zack that Dallon had cheated and demanding a rematch; this time, letting Brendon have a short headstart. But it was to no avail. Brendon still lost, and immediately sulked over to everyone else, pouting slightly and grumbling under his breath about how your boyfriend was "the giraffe of the human race" and that it was unfair that he was "literally racing against Slenderman".
Stifling a chuckle, you rubbed the singer's back comfortingly. "C'mon," you cocked your head in the direction of the baggage scan when Dallon joined you two, "I think this airport has had enough of you two."
"I'm going to go over to that one; it's open. You two go through this one and we'll meet on the other side," you instructed the guys, lightly shoving them forward before moving off to the other station.
"Yes, ma'am!" Dallon delivered a goofy smile.
You answered back with a light smirk and roll of your eyes.
Sighing deeply, the pair stepped forward and lifted their bags onto the black belt.
Brendon looked up at the sign and snorted. "Hey, look: Baggage Scan. Bet we'd see all sorts of baggage you're carrying."
Dallon rolled his eyes. "Nowhere near as much as you."
"Oh, really?" Brendon asked in challenge. "What about that girl from last tour – what was her name... Tiffany?"
Rising to the challenge, Dallon responded immediately. "What about Charlotte? Or Grace? Or Marcie? Or Stephanie? Or Tyler? Or-"
"Okay, fine, you've made your point," Brendon cut in, huffing in annoyance, "Just – hop onto the belt."
"Hop onto the belt." Brendon repeated.
"I can't hop onto the belt! (Y/N) will kill me!" Dallon countered, wide-eyed and voice almost hysterical.
"Just do it."
"I can't just-"
"It'll be so funny-"
"Why don't you-"
"Just do it-"
"Ugh, fine!" Dallon finally conceded, looking around first to make sure no one was watching.
When he was sure that the coast was clear, he lifted his long legs and hoisted himself onto the belt.
"Lie flat on your back," Brendon instructed, pushing his friend down all the way and making no effort to hide the grin on his face. He was enjoying this faaaar too much.
"You want me to actually go through it?" Dallon spluttered.
"Yeah, it'll be so cool," Brendon laughed giddily, eyes gleaming.
Thinking it over for a moment, a smile graced the taller man's features, too. He nodded in agreement. "Okay."
He got through up to his knees before a security guard stopped them.
After an hour of interrogation, lots of insisting from you and Zack that the males weren't at all hostile threats and were simply immature idiots, and a sprint down to the boarding gate two minutes before take-off, everyone was comfortable in their seats on the plane.
Brendon and Zack were in the row in front of you and Dallon, catching a much-needed snooze while you rested your head on Dallon's shoulder, lazily playing with his fingers.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and you smiled. "Sorry we acted like such dumbasses," he apologised, "It's just that airports give us this weird rush."
"I can tell," you scoffed, shaking your head. You looked up at the beautiful human being sitting next to you and cupped his cheek, gazing at him sincerely. "Dall, I love you more than anything in the world. But believe me when I say that I am never travelling with Brallon ever again."
The bassist let out a glorious laugh before pecking your lips. "Don't worry – I totally understand."
"Great." You settled back into his side. "Just one question, though."
"Who's Tiffany?"
Thank you for reading x
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